Hetian jade is the treasure of the Chinese nation and the national stone of China. In October 2003, after several years of China's "national jade" selection, Hetian jade won the title of "beautiful jade" and was officially named "China National Stone" by China Gemstone Association. As early as the Neolithic age, the ancestors at the foot of Kunlun Mountain discovered Hetian jade, which was transported and exchanged to the East and the West as a treasure and friendship medium, forming the oldest transportation channel of Hetian jade in China, the "Jade Road", the predecessor of the later "Silk Road". Jade culture is one of the ancient cultures with the longest history and the most representative of Oriental civilization. Jade represents the noble, beautiful and noble character.
In the whole history of the development of Hetian jade, sapphire has thousands of years of use history. Because of its huge quantity, it has been playing an important role. For example, there are a large number of sapphire products in Liangzhu culture. The jade unearthed from Fuhao Tomb of Yin Ruins, which is regarded as an important discovery in the history of jade use, is exactly sapphire. From Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty to Warring States period, sapphire was always the most widely used one among Hetian jade. Until the Han Dynasty, white jade began to be valued, but sapphire was not drowned by
the trend. It was always in parallel with white jade in the historical stage, loved and respected by people.
As early as the Neolithic age, the ancestors at the foot of Kunlun Mountain discovered Hetian jade, which was transported and exchanged to the East and the West as a treasure and friendship medium, forming the oldest transportation channel of Hetian jade in China, the "Jade Road", the predecessor of the later "Silk Road". Jade culture is one of the ancient cultures with the longest history and the most representative of Oriental civilization. Jade represents the noble, beautiful and noble character.
青玉的大量使用与青玉在中国历史上产出最大,使用概率最高有直接关系。在历史上,白玉与青白玉,青白玉与青玉之间没有太清晰的划分,之间有过渡与重合,而一些重要玉雕也都以青玉制作。“众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”,这首耳熟能详的词句,其曲牌名称叫做《青玉案》 。关于青玉案,一般有两种说法,一种是指青玉器物,如青玉碗,另一种是说镶嵌青玉的几案,无论何种说法,青玉所代表的是情境的交融与含蓄的风雅,与中国传统的审美、表达天衣无缝。及至清代,青玉使用上至最高皇权的“皇帝之宝”,下至文房、饰件,应有尽有。
The large-scale use of sapphire is directly related to its largest output and highest probability of use in Chinese history. In history, there is no clear division between white jade and green white jade, and there is transition and coincidence between them. Some important jade carvings are also made of green jade. "When people look for her, they suddenly look back, but the man is in the dim light." this familiar phrase, whose Qupai name is "Qingyu case". There are generally two opinions about the case of sapphire, one refers to sapphire
artifacts, such as sapphire bowls, and the other refers to several cases inlaid with sapphire. No matter what, what sapphire represents is the blending of situations and implicit elegance, which is seamless with Chinese traditional aesthetics and expression. Up to the Qing Dynasty, sapphire used the "treasure of the emperor" of the highest imperial power, and down to the study and ornaments.
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