清 代 康 熙 通 宝
Kangxi was the fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the second emperor after entering the Customs. His reign lasted 61 years and 10 months. He was the longest emperor in Chinese history. During his 61 years in power, Pingsanfan took over Taiwan and fought against Russian aggression. The Qing Dynasty became the most populous and prosperous empire in the world at that time. Later Yong and Qian dynasties reached their peak, which was called the prosperous period of Kang and Qian dynasty.
Kangxi Tongbao can be divided into two categories according to the back text: one type is the full text of the "Shunzhi four style". The money back to the full text "Baoquan", "Baoyuan" left reading, is made by the two households. The other type is the imitation of "Shunzhi five styles" Man Hanwen money. Kangxi Tongbao has Xiaoping and is the top ten. Qian Wenzhen's book, direct reading. In addition to the Baoyuan and Baoquan Second Bureaus, the provinces are all known as the Manchu-Chinese Character Bureau, wearing the left-handed Manchu and wearing the right-handed Chinese. The provinces are all casting money. The top ten money was cast by the Baoyuan Bureau, and the face was separated from the Guo, and the back was filled with Wenbaoyuan.
Tongbao, commonly known as making money, is made of metal with copper as its main material. Kangxi Tongbao was cast in the Kangxi period of the Qing dynasty (1662~1722). Round square hole copper coins, a rare ancient money treasure. On the front of the coin, there is a four-character "Kangxi Tongbao", which reads directly from the top to the left and the left side uses the name of the money bureau on the back. Kangxi Tongbao can be divided into two categories according to the back text: one type is the full text of the "Shunzhi four style". The money back to the full text "Baoquan", "Baoyuan" left reading, is made by the two households.
In the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Tongbao was said to have been cast by the golden melamine of the year. The color is golden yellow. This kind of coin is especially exquisite workmanship. It is cast because of the legendary material incorporated into the gold arhat. The reason for the golden color is that Luohan money added zinc when it was made, so it looks golden, not gold inside. Kangxi Tongbao has great historical significance for the standardized development of the Qing Dynasty coins. At the same time, it also established the Qianwen style of the Qing Dynasty for more than 180 years, which is loved by collectors.
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