Tara, Sanskrit for Tara, Tibetan called Zhuoma, Chinese translation of "save the Buddha mother", "Dora Bodhisattva". In Sanskrit, Dora means the eye, because it comes from the eyes of the great compassion Avalokitesvara, and because the Tara is the original Buddha of Avalokitesvara's incarnation to save the suffering, to relieve the difficulties, and to send them to the other side, so it is called the salvation degree. The belief of Tara is very popular in ancient India. In Chinese Buddhism, Tara is regarded as one of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattvas, or the female Bodhisattvas transformed from the vision of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattvas, and it is called "Dora Bodhisattvas in itself" or "Dora Bodhisattvas" alone. Tara is the mother of all Buddhas and all living beings. For all living beings with different root organs, Tara has transformed 21 Tara days, 500 Taras and so on. The most common Tara is Green Tara and White Tara. In the folk, Green Tara and White Tara are egarded as the female protectors of Tibet and Mongolia respectively
It has a high bun and visible hair. It wears a five leaf corolla and is decorated with gorgeous wreaths under the corolla. It is rare in Central Plains statues. It is influenced by Tibetan statues. Turn up the ear band, hang the shoulders of both ears, and decorate the big ears. His face is square, his eyebrows are decorated with pekoe, his eyes are lowered, and his mouth is slightly raised, which reveals the meaning of Bodhisattva's compassion. The upper body is exposed, the waist is slightly twisted, the breasts are slightly raised, and the waist and abdomen are thin and soft, presenting a feminine and graceful appearance. The silk on the upper body naturally hangs down from the inside of the two arms around the shoulders, and the chest is decorated with multiple groups of beaded necklaces, which are decorated with exquisite details. She is wearing a long skirt and a belt around her waist. There are also Beaded wreaths on her left and right. She wears bangles on her wrists, arms and feet. The Tara sits on the double-layer waist type lotus seat, with straight legs, hands twisting the lotus stem when the chest, hands and feet joints and muscles are realistic and soft. The pedestal is in the form of double-layer waist girdling and lotus covering. The upper and lower edges are decorated with linked bead patterns. The lotus petals are decorated all around the pedestal. The shape is upright and neat. The head of the petals is slightly upward and decorated with rolling grass patterns. It has typical characteristics in the early stage of Yongle. The lower eight chops are evenly distributed. The whole body is made of brass. It is mainly painted with copper. The carcass is thick, the paint color is bright, the body proportion is well proportioned, the body shape is graceful, the clothing pattern is smooth and natural, and the texture is very strong, reflecting the characteristics of the Han Tibetan style, which is a model of sculpture.
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