Folk customary titles refer to the copper coins issued in the five periods of history, the half and two cents of the Qin Dynasty, the five bahts of the Han Dynasty, the Kaiyuan Tongbao of the Tang Dynasty, the Song Yuan Tongbao of the Song Dynasty, and the Yongle Tongbao of the Ming Dynasty, which flowed through the millennium Time, handed down by thousands of people, passed down to future generations.
The Big Five Emperor's money is made of bronze, including Qin Banliang, Han Five Baht, Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan Tongbao, Song Dynasty Songyuan Tongbao and Ming Dynasty Yongle Tongbao. The oldest Qin Shihuang is more than 2,200 years ago, and Yongle Tongbao is more than 600 years old, which is a long way from this year. In addition to all the functions of ordinary ancient money, Big Five Emperor Qian has a thicker historical aura.
In traditional culture, the copper coin has an outer circle and an inner circle, the outer circle represents the sky, the inner circle represents the land, and the middle letter or year number represents the person. "Heaven, Earth, and Man" are only three people. They have the energy to communicate heaven and earth and reverse the universe. The Big Five Emperor's money was issued in the most powerful period of China's national power. Qin, Han, Tang, and Song Dynasties were the dynasties established by the Central Plains as the main ethnic group. During their heyday, the national games were prosperous, the society was stable and prosperous, and the coins were well-cast and circulated for a long time.
This set of coins is naturally oxidized, with a thick paste, and the patina and hair color are naturally formed and distributed from the inside out. The Big Five Emperor's money belongs to the cherished coins of all dynasties in Chinese coins. high.
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