对于管道内部除油通过输送 或浸泡方式就能清除油垢
New Year in the kitchen clean; Choose brand strength to clear oil bottle of all finish. The cost of the province to spend hours; At the same time in wechat business and investment
Product use:
This product is applicable to the kitchen gas stove, exhaust hood, water tank, pipeline, oven, stove wall, wall tiles, kitchen cabinets and other equipment.
Product features:
A. This product is a powerful and efficient oil cleaning agent, can penetrate quickly dissolved oil emulsion;
B. This product on human skin and kitchen appliances without any damage and corrosion;
C. Often using this product, can significantly reduce your kitchen health workload, and can make the kitchen appliances clean, bright as new.
Method of use:
The kitchen is generally required to spread clear oil, a jet Yima, reuse of water to scrub clean. Hard to stem the heavy oil, spray on the goods after a few minutes, and then a wet sponge or wet cloth to scrub the net ( on oil the oil pollution can be particularly heavy to use bamboo, shovels and other tools curettage most of grease, and then spraying the goods scrub clean ).
For the pipe internal oil through the conveying or soaking to remove grease
Matters needing attention:
For the kitchen surface of the painting wood products, the use of water by ( 1: 10) for dilution before use;
Do not let the child contact, please drink plenty of water treatment by. Microwave oven cleaning fluid, also supply stainless steel cleaning protectant, shower, bath cleaner, clean leather care agent, hand sanitizer, mildew spot remover, tableware detergent, wash and strong rust remover, scale removal agent, tableware detergent, clean toilet agent, disinfectant, piping and biological odor purification agents, furniture polish, ground maintenance agent, efficient floor cleaner, carpet cleaner, biological deodorant, metal rust remover, kitchen oil detergent, rapid speed universal detergent, universal toilet cleaners, foam hand sanitizer, waterless hand sanitizer, plastic products cleaner, brush graffiti remover, paste adhesive remover, wallpaper, mechanical equipment cleaners, collar net and efficient protectant, marble floor cleaner, marble polish, clear air conditioning cleaning fluid, clothing tackifier laundry detergent, laundry detergent containing oxygen, no bubble, clothing complaisant agent, cashmere detergent containing oxygen, oxygen down oxygen detergent, silk wool oxygen detergent, detergent for lingerie oxygen, infant oxygen your laundry detergent, down jacket, dry lotion. Suit clothes dry lotion; Suede clothing dry lotion. Silk clothing dry lotion; Silk clothing dry lotion; Cloth sofa dry lotion; Underwear dry lotion; Babies and infants clothing dry lotion; Clear glass cleaner, prevent mist defrost clear glass cleaning fluid.
出厂价格:RMB 50元/瓶包邮 RMB350元/桶 包装 25KG
咨询电话010-63856889 63803121;联系人苏先生13366752361 www.qingjiechina.com QQ:363615790
微信:13366752361 13642036591;同时欢迎微商加盟并招商
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